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Bitcoin-Spenden werden als Geldspende betrachtet und als solche bewertet (self.Allgemein)
submitted 11 years ago by LiquidBot
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[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points 11 years ago
Bundesweite Themen: Satzung, Parteistruktur Unverbindliches Meinungsbild (4–5 Wochen): Thema 2032 Ereignis: Neue Initiative Phase: Neu (noch 7 Tage 23:27:43) i4685: Bitcoins sind kein Geld
Bitcoin-Spenden können daher nicht als Geldspende betrachtet werden. Begründung " ... Monetary instruments are financial instruments. Like all financial instruments, monetary instruments have an issuer who promises to do something in the future. There are one or two common promises embedded in monetary instruments. One is that they are convertible into something else, another is that the issuer will accept them as final means of payment from his debtors. Bank accounts contain both promises (conversion into cash on demand, and one can pay debts due to banks by using funds in a bank account). Federal Reserve notes currently only contain one promise, the government will take them in payment at anytime (either directly or through the banking system in case tractability and security of payments are required). Some Federal Reserve notes were convertible into gold coins in the past. Gold coins are also monetary instruments that contain only one promise, that of being accepted back by the issuer to settle debts due to him (usually a government). Gold coins have an extra feature, they are collateralized by the value of the gold content. Note that the gold content of the coin is not a monetary instrument, and it is not what makes the coin a monetary instrument. Gold bullions were never financial instruments (they contain no promise), they are real assets, i.e. commodities (payments made with them are payments in-kind). ... "
Bitcoin-Spenden können daher nicht als Geldspende betrachtet werden.
" ... Monetary instruments are financial instruments. Like all financial instruments, monetary instruments have an issuer who promises to do something in the future. There are one or two common promises embedded in monetary instruments. One is that they are convertible into something else, another is that the issuer will accept them as final means of payment from his debtors. Bank accounts contain both promises (conversion into cash on demand, and one can pay debts due to banks by using funds in a bank account). Federal Reserve notes currently only contain one promise, the government will take them in payment at anytime (either directly or through the banking system in case tractability and security of payments are required). Some Federal Reserve notes were convertible into gold coins in the past. Gold coins are also monetary instruments that contain only one promise, that of being accepted back by the issuer to settle debts due to him (usually a government). Gold coins have an extra feature, they are collateralized by the value of the gold content. Note that the gold content of the coin is not a monetary instrument, and it is not what makes the coin a monetary instrument. Gold bullions were never financial instruments (they contain no promise), they are real assets, i.e. commodities (payments made with them are payments in-kind). ... "
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π Rendered by PID 1539 on reddit at 2025-03-12 21:57:58.230073+00:00 running 415da5f.
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[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points ago