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PPEU: Inactivity of Board member by Board itself (self.Allgemein)
submitted 9 years ago by LiquidBot
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Neues Thema Phase: Neu (noch 23:59:01) i5995: PPEU: Inactivity of Board member by Board itself
Am 17. und 18. Juli 2015 findet in Brüssel das erste PPEU Council Meeting statt, folgender Antrag wurde eingereicht. Inactivity of Board member by Board itself Proposant: PP-CZ (Vojtěch Pikal) Change: Original wording: (13) The Board must be elected anew completely, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four. The Council may decide with a simple majority of the votes cast that a Board member is inactive. The remaining active Board members have to issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meeting. If no active Board members are left, any Ordinary Member may issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meeting acting by at least one of their official delegates. The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. Proposed wording: (13) The Board must be elected anew completely on Extraordinary Council meeting, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four. The Board may decide that a Board member is inactive. The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. Rational: Inactivity shall be decided by Board. The requirements on calling Council meeting by members are repaired elsewhere.
Am 17. und 18. Juli 2015 findet in Brüssel das erste PPEU Council Meeting statt, folgender Antrag wurde eingereicht.
Proposant: PP-CZ (Vojtěch Pikal)
Original wording:
Proposed wording:
(13) The Board must be elected anew completely on Extraordinary Council meeting, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four.
The Board may decide that a Board member is inactive.
The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply.
Rational: Inactivity shall be decided by Board. The requirements on calling Council meeting by members are repaired elsewhere.
[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points 9 years ago
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Thema hat die nächste Phase erreicht Phase: Diskussion (noch 4 Tage 23:59:03)
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Neuer Entwurfstext der Initiative Phase: Diskussion (noch 4 Tage 23:39:59) i5995: PPEU: Inactivity of Board member by Board itself
Am 17. und 18. Juli 2015 findet in Brüssel das erste PPEU Council Meeting statt, folgender Antrag wurde eingereicht. Sofern sich keine neuen Informationen aus der Diskussion vor Ort ergeben, stimmt die Piratenpartei Österreichs folgendem Antrag zu. Inactivity of Board member by Board itself Proposant: PP-CZ (Vojtěch Pikal) Change: Original wording: (13) The Board must be elected anew completely, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four. The Council may decide with a simple majority of the votes cast that a Board member is inactive. The remaining active Board members have to issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meeting. If no active Board members are left, any Ordinary Member may issue an invitation to an Extraordinary Council meeting acting by at least one of their official delegates. The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. Proposed wording: (13) The Board must be elected anew completely on Extraordinary Council meeting, if the number of the active Board members in office drops below four. The Board may decide that a Board member is inactive. The Extraordinary Council meeting shall only convene to elect a new Board. No other topics may be decided upon. Except for an appropriately shortened time between the invitation and the date of the Council meeting, all other rules regulating Ordinary Council meetings shall apply. Rational: Inactivity shall be decided by Board. The requirements on calling Council meeting by members are repaired elsewhere.
Am 17. und 18. Juli 2015 findet in Brüssel das erste PPEU Council Meeting statt, folgender Antrag wurde eingereicht. Sofern sich keine neuen Informationen aus der Diskussion vor Ort ergeben, stimmt die Piratenpartei Österreichs folgendem Antrag zu.
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Thema hat die nächste Phase erreicht Phase: Eingefroren (noch 1 Tag 23:59:07)
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Thema hat die nächste Phase erreicht Phase: Abstimmung (noch 13 Tage 23:59:02)
Bundesweite Themen: Internationale Angelegenheiten direkter internationaler Beschluss: Thema 2988 Ereignis: Thema hat die nächste Phase erreicht Phase: Abgeschlossen (mit Gewinner)
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[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points ago
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[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points ago
[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points ago
[–]LiquidBot[S] 0 points1 point2 points ago